So, we've started the packing process or at least tried to start it. We don't have that much stuff, but that's exactly what it is... stuff. I feel like throwing everything away but that wouldn't be too smart. So, we've got a pile of boxes and a ton of little things to pack. It feels like I'm taking crazy pills. We're still at Southeast meaning early mornings and busy days. I've got to cancel everything that links us to Louisville and start everything that's in Cape Coral. So far I still have to cancel our cable, internet, and electric here in Louisville and start up our electric in Cape Coral. Cable and internet isn't a necessity at this point down there. I just reserved a hotel to break up our trip down in Ashburn, GA. We're staying at a cheap Days Inn arriving most likely really late on March 18th and leaving early on March 19th. Everything is taken care of regarding our new condo. Tonight Rochelle and I are going to Lowes for a few things to clean up our apartment. I've got to get spackle and she wants to look over paint colors for our new place. Prayer for us because we rarely agree when it comes to decorating. To be honest, I wish we could just disappear for a few days, regain our consciousness and then appear back down in Cape Coral. All for the cause baby. But, in all, life is good, God is great, and we are very weak.
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