So we've been watching a few movies lately. One of our favorites is "Juno." If you haven't seen it, it's a must. It's hysterically funny and yet touching as well. Another one of those movies that is a must see is "Dan in Real Life." I could watch this one over and over. Steve Carrell is so funny in this movie. Definitely a good one.
Our neighbor's dad came over this last week and helped us put up some lights in our place. They were a little hard to figure out and if you don't know, electrician is not on my resume. The lights we picked out we like a lot especially the one in our living room. Very fun.
I'm hosting this new webblog called It's sort of been a dream of mine to put free stuff on the web that churches can use. A lot of times, the really quality stuff you have to shell out a lot of money for, so I decided to put what stuff I do have on this site for people to get a hold of. So far, no one has really used it, but I'm hopeful that it will at least be a blessing to the ones that do find the site.
We're off to Coconut Pointe Mall now, a little date night for the two of us.
Love you all.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Uncle Paul and Aunt Rochelle
Well, Rochelle and I got a notification yesterday that we are officially Uncle Paul and Aunt Rochelle to the newest member of the Herdklotz family, Cameron Henok Herdklotz. My sister Lori and brother-in-law Jimmy adopted a little boy from Ethiopia and just arrived back home. My sister Lori said that when he first saw them that he ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug and just wouldn't let go. My three other nephews(left to right) Bradley, Austin, and Jonathan are incredibly excited and they will make great big brothers... and little for Bradley. Rochelle is super excited because Cameron will only ever know her as Aunt Rochelle... instead of, Uncle Paul's girlfriend... now Aunt Rochelle. This is a huge blessing for my sister and brother-in-law and a huge blessing for our family as well. I've looked up to Lori and Jimmy for a long time. They've been great parents to Bradley, Austin, and Jonathan and now to Cameron. I'm already very anxious to meet my new nephew and so is Rochelle. This is very exciting. Rochelle knows how much I adore those boys and now I get another one to call a nephew. RIGHT ON!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008
My Cheesecake!

Hey all!!
I've become quite the baker in my day...haha, just kidding. Anyways, last night I had the Pastor's Wifes over for the monthly gathering, while Paul was out catching crabs--it was nice having company here. I made a cheesecake for the occasion that I was quite proud of, so I felt the need to share it with you guys!
Friday Disappointment
So for about 2 weeks, I've been waiting to go salt water fishing. Yesterday I woke up, spent about an hour reading salt water fishing tips. Went out afterwards, got my shrimp, hooks, weights... stuff I needed for salt water fishing. At around 5 o'clock I headed out to the pier and started my fishing. I fished until about 8:30 and this is all I caught...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A little bit of this...and a little bit of that!
Hey Everyone!
A lot has been happening with us lately, but we just haven't found time to update. I've been working very hard at getting this blog all organized and getting some photo albums together online so we can keep you all updated--so hopefully everything will be updated VERY soon!
Anyways, as promised--I have a few pictures of the move and the new place for your viewing pleasure.

Meanwhile, we've been working hard at getting settled and getting into the swing of things. I think we're finally getting used to the weekly schedule. It's weird, I feel so grown up--we wake up at like 8:30 every morning, naturally, with no alarm!! Paul works Monday-Thursday and Sunday, of course, for 2 services. I am currently not working, I'm a "home-maker" as Paul calls it...and I'm hopefully going to go back to school in the fall (for Culinary Arts!!!) I wouldn't mind getting a part time job until then, it would be nice to get out of the house, but we only have one car currently, so that wouldn't be very easy.

Last week, The Sherman's (Tyler and Nicole) were in Kissimmee for a vacation with her family, so we drove up there and visited with them Sunday and Monday. We had a TON of fun, and it was soooo nice to see them for a couple of days. We just pretty much hung out, talked, and ate steak. Haha. Paul and I also got a chance to visit Disney!! I'd never been before. We were driving and made a wrong turn (it was POUURRINNGG) and the next thing we knew, we were in Disney...then we turned around and left. Hopefully, next time we can stay a bit longer and maybe actually enter the park. =)
Umm..I think I'm done typing for now--congratulations if you made it to the end of this thing!! We'll try to keep updated more frequently though!! BYE GUYS!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Wow! It's been a lonnggg morning.
We've had the plumber here since about 7 this morning...(he is still here, by the way). Last night we had the misfortune of finding out that our toilets were clogged. That's right--toiletS, plural. 2 of 2 toilets out of commission.
We tried everything possible last night to get those things unclogged--2 plungers, an auger, draino, boiling water, 2 times mopping, several paper towels, and lots of wet pants later--we called the plumber.
He called back at 6 this morning...and showed up around 7. Nearly 3 hours later--we find our toilets are clogged by a rag. A stupid, little, rag. WHO PUTS A RAG DOWN THE TOILET.
Paul and I racked our brains, and in the past 2 weeks that we've been here neither of us ever, EVER flushing a rag down the toilet. We now blame it on the people who built the place.
I think this is God's April Fools joke on Paul because he got sarcastic with Him during our supper prayer last night. Don't mess with the big guy...don't mess.
We've had the plumber here since about 7 this morning...(he is still here, by the way). Last night we had the misfortune of finding out that our toilets were clogged. That's right--toiletS, plural. 2 of 2 toilets out of commission.
We tried everything possible last night to get those things unclogged--2 plungers, an auger, draino, boiling water, 2 times mopping, several paper towels, and lots of wet pants later--we called the plumber.
He called back at 6 this morning...and showed up around 7. Nearly 3 hours later--we find our toilets are clogged by a rag. A stupid, little, rag. WHO PUTS A RAG DOWN THE TOILET.
Paul and I racked our brains, and in the past 2 weeks that we've been here neither of us ever, EVER flushing a rag down the toilet. We now blame it on the people who built the place.
I think this is God's April Fools joke on Paul because he got sarcastic with Him during our supper prayer last night. Don't mess with the big guy...don't mess.
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