It's been awhile since I've posted, and like Rochelle in the previous post, we're horrible bloggers. But let me update you all a little bit. We had a great time in MI and a huge thanks to all our friends who carved time out to see us. Our friends Mitch and Sunny got married in Korea this year and decided to have an American Reception. The reception was incredible, great food, great friends, great people. Mitch, Sunny, and their band played for us and it was great to see them do what they do best.

We also got a chance to hang out with some friends that we haven't seen since our wedding, well most of them. On top of that, we met some very cool Koreans and I got to see my friend Julie who I haven't seen for like 5 years. She thought Rochelle was pregnant because of Facebook and ended up getting us a card and shirts from L.A. Where she's from. I had to tell her Rochelle wasn't pregnant. She was pretty embarrassed but I thought it was hilarious.

We definitely had our fair share of family and friends time and we were sad to leave some of our best friends in the world. I was able to go down to Indianapolis that Thursday to see some of my closest buddies from college. Two of my best friends Dave and Tyler rode down with me to meet up with my best bud Jesse, Conrad, and our friend Matt. It was a great day of catching up, reminiscing, and watching a vulgar movie, Step-Brothers. Unfortunately I didn't get any pics. On Fri, we spent the majority of the day hanging out with Brian and Bets and their triplets, Jake, Caleb, and Gwen. I'd post pics but they're just too cute for the screen. That night Brian had a show and he asked me to play it with him which I gladly accepted. It was a great feeling to play a show again with one of my closest friends.

That Saturday I got to hang out with one of my best friends from High School Zack! We always have a great time catching up when we can and it was great to see him. Unfortunately our lady friends couldn't be there but we managed to make it through without them.
Zack and Steph are getting married in like a year and they are perfect for each other. We had a good time talking about relationships and I'm honored that Zack asked me to be in his wedding and share in their big day! Well, we got to spend Sunday with the in-laws and I wish we had more time with them. We miss them a lot but, we figured we had seen them for a whole week a few months earlier, we should spend some time with my mom. We had a great time with her(the few times we saw each other) and even saw my Grandma for a few. We hung out a little with our Kentwood friends that night and it was off to FL the next day.
Since we've been back not a whole lot has happened.
For about a month now we've been hanging out with some good friends. I've mentioned Shane and Amy before but we've been hanging with 2 other couples as well lately. Aubrey and Nick who have been dating for 3 1/2 years and still aren't engaged, and Josh and Lilly who live in the same place as us so we've gotten pretty close with them. A few days ago we went out to Sanibel beach with them and played frisbee in some gross shores. Labor day we hung out at our place, all 9 of us, including our good friend Noelle who lives across the hall. We had a good time and the girls cheat at every game.

In other news, today Rochelle and I went to VW to look at leasing a car. About a week ago traveling to church my brakes went out. Luckily it's a stick and I could just downshift to slowdown. My buddy Shane helped me fix it but we decided it might be time for a new ride. Well, after about 4 hours at VW we are proud new leasers of a brand new, 2008, 24 miles, Jetta! We're very excited. This is the first new car we've ever owned. We're proud and very thankful to have family back us up on this.

Well until next time(about a month I'm guessing) that's about it...
Grace, Peace, and Love.